How Supiidi Works

Sign Up
If its your first time here and you want to use the service, please first signup from the signup link.
You will then see a success page upon completion of the signup, you will receive an email into the email address you used to signup which will enable you activate your account.

After you have activated your account from the Email you were sent, you will be redirected to the Login page for your first Login.

Placing an Order
After login, you are at the catalogue/item listings. Select all the items you want by inputting the number of items you want and then clicking on the add to cart button,
When you are done, on your right hand side, there is a box that shows items in your cart(box). To proceed to checkout click on 'Checkout Cart'.
Then follow the next steps as they are shown to you.
After confirming your order, we will send you an email which will act as an invoice fo the items you ordered.

How long will the order take?
There is an option for you to select, TODAY or TOMORROW
During the week (Monday to Saturday), we deliver with in one (1) hour, if placed before 3.30pm.

Delivery fee
When its less than Shs.100,000 the delivery charge is Shs. 3,000.
When an order placed is Shs.100,000. or more the fee is shs. 5,000.

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